Basic Statistics

Raw Counts

Name Value
Rows 1,309
Columns 14
Discrete columns 8
Continuous columns 6
All missing columns 0
Missing observations 1,454
Complete Rows 119
Total observations 18,326
Memory allocation 332.8 Kb


Data Structure

root (Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 1309 obs. of 14 variables:)pclass (num)survived (Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1")name (chr)sex (Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male")age (num)sibsp (num)parch (num)ticket (chr)fare (num)cabin (chr)embarked (Factor w/ 3 levels "C","Q","S")boat (chr)body (num)home.dest (chr)

Missing Data Profile

Univariate Distribution


Bar Chart (with frequency)

## 4 columns ignored with more than 50 categories.
## name: 1307 categories
## ticket: 929 categories
## cabin: 187 categories
## home.dest: 370 categories

QQ Plot

Correlation Analysis

## 4 features with more than 20 categories ignored!
## name: 119 categories
## ticket: 115 categories
## cabin: 33 categories
## home.dest: 69 categories

Principal Component Analysis

## 3 features with more than 50 categories ignored!
## name: 119 categories
## ticket: 115 categories
## home.dest: 69 categories